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We have a wonderful selection of audio material all connected to the relevance of spirituality and how to make sense of spiritual wisdom in the world we live in today. Something to tune into as you take a break from your everyday activities.

Travelling light

Travelling light

As we travel through life most of us accumulate excess baggage – not just unnecessary material objects, but memories and emotions that make us feel heavy, tie us to the past and limit our creative potential.
We need to know how to discern and hold on to what is precious and useful – and then let go of the emotional burdens that weigh us down and take away our happiness.
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Soul Power

Soul Power

Soul Power is the ultimate spiritual intelligence. It comes from the knowledge of the true self and a clear understanding of the nature and function of the soul. Soul Power is the spiritual energy that is found within, rooted in the essential self and nurtured through our unfolding relationship with the Divine. When I am able to tap into my Soul Power, I receive insights about myself, my energy will increase, and I will feel more alive and alert to the joy of living.
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Courage, Kindness & Compassion

Courage, Kindness & Compassion

Mahatma Gandhi once said "Become the change you want to see". It takes courage in today's materialistic world to remain true to yourself, to your real self, that inner being of peace and divinity. When I keep courage and take the first step, help comes from the divine. Then, instead of adding to the negativity and peacelessness that already exists, my heart opens, and i am able to donate kindness and compassion to our troubled world.
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To forgive is freedom

To forgive is freedom

"To forgive is not just to be altruistic. It is the best form of self-interest."
- Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Whatever it was that was done to me, anger and hatred will keep me chained to the perpetrator; I will continue to be their victim. The only way to break the chains and move on is to find it in myself to forgive.
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Living A Life Of Embracing Abundance

Living A Life Of Embracing Abundance

Is the glass half empty or half full? We know that the answer to this question has nothing to do with the liquid in the glass, and everything to do with our attitude and perception. Similarly with life itself. If I have the habits of complaining and wanting, my life will seem empty. But when my consciousness is one of appreciation and gratitude, my life becomes one of abundance.
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Active Listening

Active Listening

"“Why don’t you remember what I say to you?” “I thought that was what you meant.” “Listen to me when I talk to you!” How often, when someone is speaking to us, do we finish their sentence for them, or formulate our reply in our mind while they are still talking? Real listening is not just about using the ears – it involves giving the other person the space they need and listening with our heart. Only then will we be able to hear what is in the hearts of others."
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Is There Another Way?

Is There Another Way?

"I see unkindness in the world – so I build a wall around my heart. I see mockery and disrespect in the world – so I put on a mask behind which I can hide. I see lying, cheating and aggression – so I accumulate my own pile of stones to throw in return. Or is there another way to live? A way of living that is closer to my inner truth? A way of living that- rather than trapping me- sets me free?"
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Discovering Self Confidence

Discovering Self Confidence

Few people have real self confidence. Life experiences tend to encourage self doubt and a cynicism that sabotages self confidence and self esteem. So what does it mean to have confidence in the self? How can we create a solid, stable self awareness that empowers us from within? This evening’s talk will explore some answers to these questions.
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Beyond Shame & Blame

Beyond Shame & Blame

"OK, so you’ve made a mistake – so do you feel guilty or try to blame others? In reality, both of these responses are negative and unhelpful and have their roots in weakness and a lack of honesty. When my attention remains turned inwards towards an understanding of the true spiritual self and the experience of pure pride, then I can acknowledge the mistake, move on with love and cheerfulness, and maintain my own self respect and that of others."
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Worry: The Path To Bankruptcy

Worry: The Path To Bankruptcy

"Worry is like a disease that can infect each waking moment and invade our dreams. Doubts and imaged events become real monsters creating fear. My spiritual treasures of peace, love and happiness are stolen away and I become emotionally bankrupt. How can I break the destructive habit of worry and become emotionally solvent once again?"
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Emotional Detox

Emotional Detox

Resentment, frustration, jealousy – all emotional toxins that prevent my heart from working properly. A diet of peace, forgiveness and gratitude is the antidote. When I know how to bring these qualities into my life, my spiritual and emotional health is guaranteed.
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The Feel Good Factor

The Feel Good Factor

Bring the sunshine into your life by appreciating yourself for who you truly are. Real happiness comes from genuine self-esteem, and from finding the freedom to be ourselves. Negative emotions, difficult situations and baggage from the past can rob us of our self-respect and contribute to our feeling less than good at times. Learn how to transform negative into positive, and recapture that ‘great to be alive’ feeling!
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Tension Or Attention

Tension Or Attention

Is it possible to live in the 21st century in a mega-city like London without being stressed out? Yes, but first I need to understand where the stress and tension come from. By stepping away from the rush of never-ending activity, spending a little time with the self and just observing my thoughts and feelings, I can become wiser; by paying attention to the way I think, tensions can gently be dissolved.
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Observing But Not Absorbing

Observing But Not Absorbing

Observing is a silent skill – it entails stepping back from the situation and keeping the mind clear and free; this enables me to assess accurately what I need to do. Without this skill I am likely to absorb myself in the negativity of the person or situation; I then become heavy, lose perspective and overreact. How can I be an observer not an absorber?
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Discard Depression

Discard Depression

"Depression is a form of emotional pain. When I think too much about other people, or hold things inside myself instead of speaking out and dealing with them, I end up with mental ‘indigestion’ – a feeling that I can’t cope with it all. This talk will look at some simple spiritual practices – some mental ‘antacid’ – that can help me dislodge emotional pain at its roots."
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Ten Reasons To Be In A Good Mood

Ten Reasons To Be In A Good Mood

"In a town on the north Japanese coast, surrounded by the devastation remaining from the tsunami, a middle-aged couple are growing sunflowers on a small plot of land – because it helps them to smile. So how easy is it for me to find things in my life to be cheerful about?"
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When Pain Gets In The Way

When Pain Gets In The Way

Pain manifests in the physical body and suffering is the emotional response to the pain. We know that chemicals can be used to control pain, but are there also mental, spiritual, emotional approaches that can make a difference? And if so, how do I use them?
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Avoid The Void

Avoid The Void

"You can be lonely in a crowd. Loneliness isn’t necessarily lack of company but more an emptiness of spirit. It is a feeling that has touched most of us at some point in our lives – a sense of isolation, of being left out – but for some it is an ever-present, painful reality. On a personal spiritual journey moments of solitude and time for reflection are precious and rewarding. This evening’s talk will explore how to be content with our own company, and how to find a Comforter for our heart who is always on call."
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Calm Assertion

Calm Assertion

Assertiveness helps you to deal with difficult situations rationally and effectively. Sometimes we’re not assertive because of the fear of displeasing others and not being liked. But being assertive does not mean being bossy, overbearing or aggressive. In its truest form it’s a gentle art that allows you to be yourself in a way that doesn’t push others off-stage; rather it invites them to join you.
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Spirit Of Generosity Christmas Celebration

Spirit Of Generosity Christmas Celebration

True Generosity is about giving from the heart without expecting anything in return. On a subtle level generosity means to be free from meanness or prejudice. When I give unconditional love and respect to all, love and respect will come to me in abundance.
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Diwali Light

Diwali Light

The journey of life becomes very easy when the path ahead is illuminated, even if everything around us is shrouded in darkness. Each one of us has our own guiding light and when all the individual lights are grouped together the result is spectacular and beautiful.
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Aware But Not Judgemental

Aware But Not Judgemental

"There is a saying “See, but don’t see!” which means to be aware of all realities, including the negative, but not focus on them. When our awareness is detached, rather than focusing on what is wrong, we are able to look at how we can make a positive contribution towards putting something right. Being aware but not judgemental, I can offer a solution rather than a complaint. I had great fun attending the mega programmes in Delhi and Lucknow, especially Lucknow where I went at Madhuban Mohini's invitation and gave shubkarmnaye. I have just had a few days relaxation here before the retreat for Centre Niwasis starts tomorrow."
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From Ridiculous To Sublime

From Ridiculous To Sublime

Time to do both the things you need to do and the things you want to do; a proper balance between personal time and your responsibilities to others; time to be happy and watch the flowers grow. What a sublime way to live. However, if the way you live your life at the moment feels a bit ridiculous, come and find out how a few simple changes can bring about a different experience.
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Having Less- Being More

Having Less- Being More

Mahatma Gandhi once described the ideal lifestyle as ‘simple living and high thinking’. When I know how to build a rich inner world and appreciate the small joys of life, then I can protect myself from materialistic influences. When the focus of my life is on ‘being’ rather than ‘having’, then love, peace and happiness are mine.
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Learning Accurately

Learning Accurately

We learn many things as we go through life – but are all of these things useful? And are they all true? Some of the beliefs that I have about myself, for instance, I will have ‘caught’ from others whose behaviour towards me has come from their own self-doubt and insecurity. Accepting these opinions and attitudes of others often limits my capacity to grow. How can I go beyond these limits and learn accurately who and what I am?
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Quit Complaining

Quit Complaining

Does complaining put right the situation I’m not happy about? Not usually. Do I feel happy and peaceful when I’m in complaining mode? No, I don’t. In fact an attitude of complaining is disempowering. So do I want to stay in complaining mode, or move to contentment mode where I can stay in the awareness of the good things of life? The choice is mine. The shift is easy.
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Reflect And Act

Reflect And Act

"You can be lonely in a crowd. Loneliness isn’t necessarily lack of company but more an emptiness of spirit. It is a feeling that has touched most of us at some point in our lives – a sense of isolation, of being left out – but for some it is an ever-present, painful reality. On a personal spiritual journey moments of solitude and time for reflection are precious and rewarding. This evening’s talk will explore how to be content with our own company, and how to find a Comforter for our heart who is always on call."
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The Art Of Refusal

The Art Of Refusal

It’s not always easy to say no to a family member, a friend or a colleague. Cooperation is an invaluable component of spiritual life, but knowing and setting your boundaries is equally important. When I look after myself spiritually, then I will know how much time to spend on my own well-being and how much on fulfilling other responsibilities.
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Being My Own Physician

Being My Own Physician

No one knows me better than me, but how well do I really know myself? It’s easy to point the finger at other people or external situations when I am feeling unhappy, upset or confused. But the root of all my feelings, thoughts and emotions is within myself. When I understand this, then I can become my own spiritual and emotional physician.
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Ditch An Illusion Or Two

Ditch An Illusion Or Two

"We ‘buy in’ to so many illusions that influence how we live; ‘I will be happy if I have this or that.’ ‘I have to do the same as others or they won’t like me.’ ‘I can never be as clever/rich/beautiful as so-and-so.’ Each of these illusions takes us away from our own truth and limits our ability to be peaceful and happy. So ditch the illusions, break the chains, and become free."
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Hurt Humility & Healing

Hurt Humility & Healing

When we have been hurt we have two options. We can either hold on to the pain and continue to experience it, or we can let it go. Letting go requires love, forgiveness and humility – for ourselves as well as for others – and may not at first seem easy. In tonight’s talk Sister Jayanti will share how to take the steps necessary for letting go, moving on and being free.
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The Heart Of Well-Being

The Heart Of Well-Being

"What is well –being? How do we obtain and maintain it? The interactive talk by Dr Craig Brown explores how we can tackle the challenges to our health. He will be discussing “tools” that we can use to support our well being on all levels - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually and help you • feel energetic and enjoy life • cope with worry, stress, change and loss • care for yourself and meet your needs in healthy ways • sustain good relationships with others • discover personal fulfilment and inner meaning"
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The Secrets Of Karma

The Secrets Of Karma

What is the key to understanding the deep secrets of karma, and how will it make a difference to my life once I know? Is there a relationship between the actions I perform today and what happens tomorrow? Can knowing these secrets help me make life more meaningful and enjoyable? Tonight’s talk will explore the answers to these questions.
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Reincarnation Many Happy Returns

Reincarnation Many Happy Returns

"When I die, is that it? Or do I just move on to a new chapter, different horizons, fresh opportunities? What do I take with me to my new life, and what do I have to leave behind? Is death the end, or a new beginning – or is it not quite either of these things?"
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The Boomerang Of Karma

The Boomerang Of Karma

What is past is past – but the spiritual law of karma is also about the present and the future. The thoughts and attitudes that I have today influence what will come to me tomorrow. The quality of my experiences in life depends on the quality of my own actions. Understanding this gives me the power to determine my future.
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Letting Go Of Inner Pain

Letting Go Of Inner Pain

The natural state of the inner self is one of love, peace and happiness. Inner pain, like physical pain, comes as a messenger to tell me that something needs my attention. When faced with painful feelings how do I respond -- wallow in them, skate round them in a state of denial, ignore them, or heal them and let them go?
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Living In The Moment

Living In The Moment

How much are we able to appreciate ourselves and what life has to offer us at this present moment? Sometimes the pain of the past consumes us so much that we live in hurt. Or we want so much to be someone else or somewhere else that our mental energies drain away in worrying about the future. But when my consciousness is centred in the present moment, that is when I am most alive.
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Meditation Simplified

Meditation Simplified

No difficult postures, no special clothes, not even candles or music. Meditation is about knowing how to focus on my own inner peace, inner power and inner happiness in order to restore the balance between my inner and outer worlds. I just need to create a few simple thoughts about my own pure, peaceful, elevated self – any place, any time, any weather.
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The Power Of Pause

The Power Of Pause

"How to move through daily challenges without feeling overwhelmed, to have more fun, to be less busy and still stay in charge? The answer is PAUSE to focus on what’s important and connect with your core strength THINK clearly to find solutions ACT decisively Get into the PAUSE, THINK, ACT habit to make savvier choices, be more effective and stay unaffected."
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The Present Is A Gift

The Present Is A Gift

How much of our time and energy is spent on holding onto the past, worrying about the future, or daydreaming about being somewhere else? These mental habits prevent us from appreciating the present point in time. The present is a gift – enjoy, it now, before it becomes the past!
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Believe & Achieve

Believe & Achieve

"“The only thing that stands between a person and what they want from life is often merely the will to try it and the faith to believe that it is possible.” Richard M. DeVos So tell yourself you’re wonderful, get out of your box and go for it! This evening’s talk will show you how."
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Miser To Wiser

Miser To Wiser

Intolerant, unwilling to trust, unco-operative - all symptoms of a spiritual miser. A spiritual miser’s heart is small and unhappy. But when I learn how to open my heart and have good wishes for everyone I meet, then cheerfulness, tolerance, trust and co-operation will grace every corner of my life.
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Self Control Is Real Control

Self Control Is Real Control

One of the deepest false beliefs that we inherit is that we can control other people. Becoming upset at another person is a demonstration that we are trying to control what we cannot control. The secret of success in all situations is based entirely on self-control. When I concentrate on controlling myself and all my responses are proactive, I will be more attractive to others, and therefore more easily able to influence them.
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Project Or Resolve

Project Or Resolve

In a situation of emotional distress I usually have two options – download, or deal with it. Downloading or trying to project my feelings onto others are behaviours coming from a negative consciousness; they are likely to leave me feeling worse and even further away from a resolution. Instead, let me face the problem with honesty and courage, process the feelings, learn the lessons, and move on.
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Be The Solution

Be The Solution

It takes strength to face adversity and see it as a stepping stone to success. When I am able to respond rather than react, be pragmatic rather than negative, and step willingly outside my comfort zone, then I am able to be part of the solution rather than part of the problem. Mistakes become opportunities and each situation brings with it a useful lesson.
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Boundaries – A Safety Net

Boundaries – A Safety Net

It is not always easy to say no to a friend, family member or colleague. Co-operation is an invaluable component of life, but understanding and setting boundaries is equally important. Saying no with confidence requires self respect, a state of being that needs to be nurtured. Establishing and maintaining boundaries is an essential element in our personal development and in sustaining successful relationships.
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End The Struggle

End The Struggle

Let’s face it – some things in life are hard to swallow. Resisting difficult or unpleasant circumstances is so natural. However, for how long does the strength to resist endure? Although acceptance may seem like an open invitation to chaos, it can offer a more tension-free response to life’s tribulations. When I stop the struggle stalemate situations can magically shift.
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Expectations Leads To Sorrow

Expectations Leads To Sorrow

The problem with expectations is that they are not always met. Then, not only do I experience frustration or disappointment, but the other person may also experience sorrow if they feel that my expectation of them was unreasonable or inappropriate. The answer is a shift of focus – less ‘I want, I think’ and more listening to the hearts of others.
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Making A U Turn

Making A U Turn

"There are many stories of those who have successfully and dramatically changed the direction of their life – from City banker to Welsh small-holder, from alcoholic to community leader. What makes them do it? And what are the qualities needed for a successful U turn? What change do you want to make in your life? And what is stopping you?"
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The Bond Of Friendship

The Bond Of Friendship

When I have the habit of turning to others to feel good about myself, my friendship will be based on dependency and will, ultimately, lead to sorrow. But the very purpose of friendship is to uplift. When I remember that each of us has the capacity to flow and sparkle in our own unique way, then my friendship will be based on sharing and giving – and lead to happiness.
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The Eye Of The Storm (Shiv Ratri)

The Eye Of The Storm (Shiv Ratri)

In the very centre of a hurricane is a place of calmness and quiet. When I am being pulled and influenced by situations, other people’s moods, the demands of job and family I can feel as though I am being battered by the storm. But inside myself is a place of quietness and safety. When I know how to remain centred in this place whilst fulfilling my responsibilities, then I can weather the storms of life more easily.
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The Relationship Game

The Relationship Game

It’s easy to start a relationship, but not so easy to sustain it. It’s easy to offend someone, but not so easy to forgive. The art of relationships is the greatest challenge, the most profound learning curve, and the area in which we can experience the most significant successes in our life. How strange it is then that no one ever teaches us how to do it!
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Travelling Light

Travelling Light

"As we travel through life most of us accumulate excess baggage – not just unnecessary material objects, but memories and emotions that make us feel heavy, tie us to the past and limit our creative potential. We need to know how to discern and hold on to what is precious and useful – and then let go of the emotional burdens that weigh us down and take away our happiness."
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The Wonder Of Silence

The Wonder Of Silence

What would it be like to feel real peace of mind? To be able to ask your mind to stop its incessant chatter and worry and just relax into an experience of inner silence? Come along for a calming evening, in a peaceful atmosphere, with guidance on how to discover the sweet spot in your mind that releases an experience of peace whenever you need it.
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The Voice Of Reason

The Voice Of Reason

When I am faced with pressures, deadlines and troubles I should resist the urge to worry, flit from one thing to another, or get irritated and blame others. Instead, let me try to create a loving attitude towards myself. A kind and compassionate approach to life helps the mind stay clear and focussed – then the voice of reason can be heard.
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That'S The Sprit

That'S The Sprit

Is life one big adventure, or just a series of accidents? Challenges to face, hurdles to surmount, problems to solve – all this makes life exhilarating. Adventurers understand this, so they don’t fight and struggle with events, but choose to go with the flow. So create the enthusiasm to keep up with the adventure; keep it fun and vanquish weariness. That’s the spirit!
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Spiritual Vitamins

Spiritual Vitamins

The mind and body influence each other and work together; neither side can be ignored. If there is a need for medicine, then take it, but also learn to be your own spiritual doctor. Whatever the nature of an illness, it is through the power of meditation and the imbibing of the pills of love, peace and happiness that the illness can be overcome.
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Soul Therapy

Soul Therapy

Sadness, anger and fear are all illnesses of the soul; they leave the soul feeling weary and distressed. The therapy for this state of affairs is the practice of meditation by which I journey inwards to the still and peaceful essence of my being; and the medicine is pure thoughts about my own beauty, truth and goodness. It’s easy when you know how.
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Soul And Role

Soul And Role

A mother, a husband, a friend, a colleague, a next door neighbour, manager of the design team, dog owner, football supporter – in my life I play many different roles. But who is the inner being that plays all these roles? Where is the boundary between the inner being, the soul, and these roles? And what is the difference that comes into my life when I know?
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Living In The Light

Living In The Light

Ignorance and illusion bring darkness into our lives; truth brings light. But what is truth? In a world where so many experts claim to ‘know’ what is right, truth and falsehood become inter-twined. Spiritual truth, however, is about reconnecting with my own goodness, power and beauty. When I live my own truth I am living in the light.
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Balancing Art

Balancing Art

Keeping the balance between looking after the self and fulfilling my responsibilities to others can sometimes feel like walking a tightrope. Imagine the possibility of creating such a nimble balance that the spirit can freely leap and spin over the roles that weigh you down.
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Peace – A Thought Away

Peace – A Thought Away

It is not necessary to search for peace – it is within. Our original state is one of peace. External situations will pull me away from peace – if, that is, I let them. When I learn to be in charge of my mind, then peace is a thought away.
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Secret To A Golden Future

Secret To A Golden Future

The secrets to a golden future lie in the present time. How I live my life today determines my tomorrow. I cannot control the behaviour of other people, the weather, or national or local policy makers – but I can choose how I respond to these things. If I truly want to see a better world, it has to start with me, now – by my learning to remain peaceful, positive and cheerful – no matter what!
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Values And Goals

Values And Goals

Values and goals are meaningless unless we consciously adopt them and seek to live by them. Values are guides to our behaviour and we must let them take root in our mind, blossom in our heart, and flourish in our actions until they become a natural part of our thinking, being and doing. Only then will the world become a better place.
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Attitude Is Everything

Attitude Is Everything

One of the foundations of a happy and successful life is the attitude I adopt to the people, situations and circumstances that come my way. My choice as to whether I see the glass as ‘half empty or half full’ sets in motion a series of thoughts, beliefs and actions that determine the quality of my life. Tonight’s talk will explore this simple but profound truth.
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Hope Lives

Hope Lives

What is it that shatters the feeling of hope? Despair comes when we feel we have failed or that we are not good enough. Real lasting hope stems from a deep understanding of the power of our own goodness and that of others. This talk will explore ways of seeing ourselves that give the nourishment of hope to the soul.
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The 7 Myths About Love.... Actually

The 7 Myths About Love.... Actually

"The Journey from your HEAD to the HEART of your SOUL Millions obsess over it. Thousands have died for it. We all seek it. Few may ever find it. Even fewer will live it. It is LOVE. It seems we are frequently obsessed, yet slightly confused … about love. Many of us believe we know love so well, yet we find it hard to be unconditionally loving. So what is love … actually? Where is love … exactly? And why is love so elusive … precisely? During today’s workshop Mike will work with us to reveal: • How to find true love in life • How to bring love into all your relationships • Why your heart has been broken, blocked, frozen or stolen! • How to take away the one and only barrier to the discovery of love • Why, in truth, you can never ‘fall’ in love Mike is a best-selling author, inspirational speaker and spiritual teacher. For almost 30 years he has been coaching, guiding and facilitating the personal and executive development of people in companies, corporations and communities in over 30 countries. His publications include The 7 AHA’s of Highly Enlightened Souls and Don’t Get Mad Get Wise. Today will be the launch of his new book The 7 Myths About LOVE … Actually!"
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The Ingredients Of Happiness

The Ingredients Of Happiness

In today’s world we so often become dependent on external things for our happiness – fine weather, my day going according to plan, an evening with friends, a new fitted kitchen. But real happiness comes from inside, from that place of stillness and peace that exists at the core of our being. This evening’s talk will explore how to access this real happiness, and how to sustain it.
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The Inner Secret Of Freedom

The Inner Secret Of Freedom

Freedom is a state of mind. Understanding the self is the key to freedom. The more one understands the self, the easier it is to be liberated from the chains of waste and negativity. Real freedom is to experience the true essence of one’s being.
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The Power Of Intentions

The Power Of Intentions

Behind every action we perform is an intention – a wish, a desire, a hoped-for outcome. These intentions are not always obvious; an action that appears to be caring, for instance, may have its roots in a negative energy of some kind. Sometimes when things ‘go wrong’ in communications or relationships it is because I am not in tune with the real intentions behind my own words and actions. To understand my intentions clearly, I need to know how to listen to what is in my own heart.
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The Power Of Tolerance

The Power Of Tolerance

The power to tolerate is the ability to remain undisturbed by any event going on around me or within me – to pro-actively give good wishes and positive energy rather than react in kind to criticism or abuse. It is the art of being an observer whilst also being an active participant, and being able to see beyond the superficial to the underlying truth of any situation.
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The Secret Of Contentment

The Secret Of Contentment

It is easy to feel contented when we are praised and appreciated, but to remain contented when we are being criticised and rejected is the mark of real spiritual strength. In order to develop this strength I need to find that quiet place within, get to know myself as an eternal being of spirit, and experience being beyond the limitations of everyday life.
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Intelligence Vs Wisdom

Intelligence Vs Wisdom

Intelligence, wisdom, common sense, experience – is one more important than the others, or are they interlinked inextricably? Can intelligence, wisdom and common sense be cultivated, or is what I have currently “my lot”? And do I need to be intelligent and wise in order to be happy? Tonight’s talk will explore some common sense approaches to these questions.
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Never Let A Problem Become An Excuse

Never Let A Problem Become An Excuse

Einstein once said, “It’s not that I’m so smart; it’s just that I stay with problems longer.” Often, people who have achieved something difficult had no idea beforehand how they would do it. But what they did have was vision, faith and determination. Whatever you may be facing at the moment that appears to be difficult, remember – the power is in your hands.
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Thought of the Day


One who is peaceful can speak volumes with the sound of silence.

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