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Calling all 18 – 35 year olds …

The importance of being happy and spreading happiness in a meaningful way, addresses the most urgent needs of our time. Our ‘Being a Happiness Magnet’ programme is bringing together young adults (aged from 18 – 35) who want to create a more beautiful world. It calls on those who with a vision of the future shining in their hearts, want to rise to the challenge of initiating dynamic and sustainable social change, from a place of inner happiness.

Why are we all chasing our tails, earning more, paying more, finding more, buying more, seeking more – thinking that all this will bring us happiness? When we know, that all we end up with is stress – at work, and in our relationships. We do not even have the time to take pleasure in all we have worked for because of all the pressures and demands. We might have achieved a lot, but the smiling face of childhood is lost in the seriousness of “being grown up”. The journey has stripped away our vital spark and joy – despite our faith and spiritual practices


If you have read this far, then you must be one of the growing number of young people who want to live a different experience. We invite you to re-discover your spark within. For our six-month project we will provide you with a platform to build upon based on the new insights you will discover.

Together, we will explore, share and through understanding and respect, re-develop our authentic inner happiness.

Then, as a group share our happiness within our communities: our friends, our families, our neighbours and others. By serving with happiness and love we build bridges. Making others happy in a meaningful way adds value to our own life and those of others; after all, a smile is the curve that sets everything straight. 

If this – HAPPINESS - is what you strive for;

JOIN US! Together we can join hands to cooperate and make a Happier World.



This focus is about self-discovery and realising the natural resources we already have that make us feel happy.

Being a Happiness Magnet

This focus is on providing a space to connect to the Ultimate Magnet-The Source of Happiness and to celebrate our inner happiness.


This focus is on interactive, facilitated conversations which will help us to get curious, and share & explore together.

Field Trips

This focus is on being out in the field and enabling others to experience inner joy.

Programme Timetable

Sat, 22 March 2025 (Launch) | 11am to 5pm
Training 1 - Discover the Happy Me! 

Fri, 11 April  | 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Workshop 1 - Happiness Hunt: Hone your Perception

Fri, 25 April  | 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Being a Happiness Magnet 1 - Diving into Happiness

Fri, 09 May  | 6:30pm to 8:30pm  
Workshop 2- Living Mindfully: Are you present in your presence? 

Sat, 24 May | 11am to 4pm
Training 2 - Unleashing Happiness: Challenging your own Beliefs

Fri, 06 June | 6:30pm to 8:30pm   Workshop 3 - Humour: Feeling great, no matter what! 

Fri, 20 June | Field trip 1 (TBC)

Fri, 04 July | 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Being a Happiness Magnet 2 - Parasailing in Happiness Ocean

Sat, 24 May | 11am to 4pm
Training 3 - Happiness Workout: Building Inner Resilience

Fri, 01 Aug | Field trip 2 (TBC)

Fri, 15 Aug | 6:30pm to 8:30pm : Being a Happiness Magnet 3 - Happiness Plugin

Fri, 29 Aug |
Field trip 3 (TBC)

Fri-Sun, 12-14 Sept | Training & Closing Retreat
   From Action to Sustenance (In Worthing or Oxford) 

The programme has a limited amount of places, and the preference will be given to those who can commit to the above dates.

(However we are aware that commitments and other instances may prevent you from attending certain days. No applicant will be turned down on this basis and we would encourage you to apply nonetheless.)


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BKWSU (UK) was established as a charity in 1975. It charges no fees for its activities, that are funded by voluntary contributions.

Registered Charity No: England & Wales (269971) and Scotland (SC040512).

Contact us

  • 528 High road
  • Wembley HA9 7BS
  • United Kingdom
  • E:
  • T: 020 8903 1911


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