Exploring Our Inner Tapestries
A tapestry can be described as a work of embroidered art. It can involve intricate and detailed work in many colours, stitches and styles. Our inner world is similar. It comprises a multitude of experiences, beliefs, hopes, dreams, desires etc. Exploring this Inner World on our spiritual journey of growth and self-development can be challenging but ultimately rewarding.
Sr Gayatri Naraine will share this evening the tips and techniques of how we can explore our Inner Tapestries.
About Speaker:
Gayatri Naraine has dedicated her life to exploring the spiritual dimension of personal development and growth through the studies of Raja Yoga as taught by the Brahma Kumaris.
As the representative of the Brahma Kumaris at the United Nations, her focus is on transformation as a spiritual phenomenon.  She serves as Vice-Chair of the International Day of Yoga Committee at the United Nations.

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