The Soul Symphony
Prepare to be swept away on a journey of transcendence that
combines captivating sound symphonies woven together with enchanting drone-recorded visuals that will transport you to a realm beyond the imagination. This harmonious dance between sound and light will open up an inner sanctuary for the mind and spirit, taking you to the depths of consciousness and a connection with the essence of your being.
Speaker: Nicolas Crettex 
Nicolas Crettex has had an interest in music since the age of 10 when he first discovered his love for the electric organ.  Taking inspiration from a number of musical genres, his musical aptitude continued to grow, always returning to the keyboard as his primary instrument.  Since 2001, when his spiritual path opened up through learning Raja Yoga meditation, he has combined his passion for music with creating soundtracks to transport his audiences into heightened states of awareness. Nico is a skilled content creator making short films and promotional videos for use in many spheres.  He divides his time between Paris and his native Switzerland alongside a busy recording and performing schedule at locations around the world.  

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